Durata de livrare: 24-72h
My reading library de la Usborne este un superb set de 50 de povesti ilustrate in limba engleza.
Inspirati-le copiilor dragostea pentru lectura cu aceasta mini biblioteca fantastica de 50 de carti. Acest set de carti de povesti complet ilustrate se potriveste cu siguranta tuturor nivelurilor de citire. Toate cele cincizeci de titluri sunt incluse in Programul de lectura Usborne, o gama care a fost dezvoltata special pentru a ajuta la incurajarea tinerilor cititori acasa.
Lista povestilor:
The Bug Who Wanted A Hug
The King's Pudding
The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs
Chicken Licken
The Musicians of Bremen
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
The Boy who cried Wolf
The Magic Porridge Pot
The Gingerbread Man
The Leopard and the Sky God
The Lion and the Mouse
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Little Red Hen
The Fox and the Crow
The Fox and the Stork
Dinosaur Tales: The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar
Dinosaur Tales: The Dinosaur Who Stayed Indoors
Tin Soldier
The Golden Carpet
The Reluctant Dragon
Baba Yaga the Flying Witch
The Owl and the Pussy Cat
The Hare and the Tortoise
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Jack & the Beanstalk
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Little Red Riding Hood
Sleeping Beauty
The Elves and the Shoemaker
Princess and the Pea
Beauty and the Beast
The Ugly Duckling
The Three Wishes
How Tortoise tricked the Birds
Forgotten Fairy Tales: The Wise Princess
Forgotten Fairy Tales: Snow White and Rose Red
Forgotten Fairy Tales: The Sleeping Prince
The Wooden Horse
The Little Mermaid
The Nutcracker
Hansel and Gretel
Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
The Runaway Princess
Tinder Box
Icarus, the Boy Who Flew Too High
Stories of Unicorns
Stories of Merlin
Inspire a lifelong love of reading in children with this fantastic library of 50 books. This great value set of fully illustrated story books is sure to suit all levels of reading ability. All fifty titles feature in the Usborne Reading Programme, a range that has been especially developed to help encourage young readers at home.
Varsta: 3-6 ani, 6-9 ani, +10 ani
Tema: povesti clasice
Dimensiune: 205 x 250mm
Format: cartonat
Limba: engleza
Editura: Usborne Publishing
Serie: Set carti
Beneficii (dezvolta): Concentrarea, Abilitatile de comunicare, Imaginatia, Memoria, Atentia, Curiozitatea
Tipuri de invatare: Comunica si socializeaza, Citeste, scrie, numara
An publicatie: 2022