Rosie Rabbit is shy and scared of many things. So when she and her family come across Miss Molly's School of Confidence, Miss Molly welcomes her in.
Durata de livrare: 24-72h
Rosie Rabbit is shy and scared of many things. So when she and her family come across Miss Molly's School of Confidence, Miss Molly welcomes her in. Here Rosie learns how to build her confidence, make friends and even teach Papa Rabbit a thing or two about overcoming your fears. A perfect way to start conversations with children about resilience and confidence issues, with humour, a gentle story, and a cast of lively animal characters.
Key Stage: EYFS, KS1
Cartea face parte din colectia Miss Molly's School. Toate cartile din aceasta colectie pot fi vazute aici.
Recomandat: 4 ani+
Varsta: 3-6 ani, 6-9 ani
Tema: scoala, comportament
Nr. pagini: 32
Dimensiune: 258.1 x 229.7mm
Format: hardcover
Ilustrator: Rosie Reeve
Autor: Susanna Davidson
Editura: Usborne Publishing
Limba: engleza
Serie: Miss Molly's School
Beneficii (dezvolta): Imaginatia, Curiozitatea
Tipuri de invatare: Atinge, priveste, asculta
An publicatie: 2022