Durata de livrare: 24-72h
The ultimate guide for the novice knight, covering everything from sieges to swordplay, feasts to fights and The Crusades to courtly love. Written in a lively, humorous and engaging style and packed with informative historical detail, this is a fun way for children to understand medieval history. With cartoon illustrations, quizzes and handy checklists to bring the period of medieval knights vividly to life. Includes internet links to websites with quizzes, video clips and online activities via the Usborne Quicklinks website.
Cartea face parte din colectia Handbooks. Toate cartile din serie pot fi vazute aici.
Recomandat: 8 ani+
Varsta: 6-9 ani, +10 ani
Tema: cavaleri
Nr. pagini: 128
Dimensiune: 199.5 x 136.6mm
Ilustrator: Ian McNee
Autor: Sam Taplin
Limba: engleza
Editura: Usborne Publishing
Serie: Handbooks
Beneficii (dezvolta): Abilitatile de comunicare, Imaginatia, Curiozitatea
Tipuri de invatare: Citeste, scrie, numara
An publicatie: 2014