Durata de livrare: 24-72h
Poppy and Sam's Things to Make and Do de la Usborne este o carte plina de activitati si crafts pe care le poti face usor: de la fluturasi sau albinute, la realizarea de hranitori pentru pasari sau chiar pasi de cum sa plantam si sa crestem fasole sau mazare. Alaturi de indragitii copilasi Poppy si Sam de la ferma Apple Tree vei descoperi o multime de activitati interesante.
Recomandat: 3 ani+
Little children can have fun playing and making with Poppy and Sam in this delightful activity book. It's packed full of creative crafts to try, from making bird feeders and bug hotels to paper crafts and pictures, all with clear visual instructions and using everyday materials from around the house. There are also plenty of spotting, matching, drawing and counting activities based on the beloved characters from Apple Tree Farm.
Varsta: 3-6 ani, 6-9 ani
Tema: natura
Nr. pagini: 48
Dimensiune: 305 x 238mm
Ilustrator: Simon Taylor-Kielty
Autor: Kate Nolan
Limba: engleza
Editura: Usborne Publishing
An publicatie: 2022