Durata de livrare: 24-72h
First Thousand Words in German Sticker Book de la Usborne este o carte de activitati cu stickers - un mod distractiv si interactiv pentru copii de a invata primele 1000 de cuvinte in limba germana. Fiecare sticker arata o imagine a unui cuvant pe care copii trebuie sa-l gaseasca si sa-l aseze in scena corecta.
Carte de activitati cu peste 500 de stickers.
Cartile cu stickers (autocolante sau abtibilde) ajuta la dezvoltarea concentrarii, a motricitatii fine, a coordonarii mana-ochi si a gandirii logice si creative. O buna metoda de relaxare, dar si de dezvoltare pentru cei mici.
The sticker version of the classic First Thousand Words in German, beautifully illustrated and fully updated for 2014 and beyond. Children can learn new vocabulary by matching stickers to the German words around the edge of each page, then practise new words by using them to talk about the large central picture. A valuable reading and spelling guide and a highly effective vocabulary builder, with over 500 stickers to encourage active learning and build word associations in a memorable way. Children can listen to the words in the book pronounced by a native speaker via the Usborne Quicklinks website.
Varsta: 3-6 ani, 6-9 ani
Tema: scoala, germana
Nr. pagini: 76
Dimensiune: 304.3 x 229.2mm
Ilustrator: Stephen Cartwright
Autor: Heather Amery
Limba: engleza
Editura: Usborne Publishing
Beneficii (dezvolta): Coordonarea mana-ochi, Concentrarea, Motricitatea fina, Gandirea creativa, Rabdarea, Atentia, Senzorial, Gandirea logica
Tipuri de invatare: Construieste si deseneaza, Imagineaza, inventeaza si creeaza, Manevreaza
An publicatie: 2014