Knitbone and his beloved owner Winnie are delighted to find Wish, the ghost rabbit, after Lord Pepper brings him home in a very special top hat. Wish is searching for his long-lost owner, a young magician called Ernest. Can the ghostly gang put on a tip-top talent show to entice Ernest to Starcross?
Durata de livrare: 24-72h
Meet Knitbone Pepper, the lovable ghost dog haunting Starcross Hall and collect all his adventures!
Knitbone and his beloved owner Winnie are delighted to find Wish, the ghost rabbit, after Lord Pepper brings him home in a very special top hat. Wish is searching for his long-lost owner, a young magician called Ernest. Can the ghostly gang put on a tip-top talent show to entice Ernest to Starcross?
Packed with adventure, chuckles and woofs!
Collect all the books in Knitbone Pepper Ghost Dog series:
1. The Silver Phantom
2. A Rabbit Called Wish
3. Best Friends Forever (award winner)
4. The Last Circus Tiger
5. A Horse called Moon
Book details:
Recomandat: 7 ani +
Toate cartile din serie pot fi vazute aici
Varsta: 6-9 ani, +10 ani
Nr. pagini: 240
Dimensiune: 198.4 x 143.1mm
Ilustrator: Ross Collins
Autor: Claire Barker
Limba: engleza
Editura: Usborne Publishing
Serie: Knitbone Pepper Ghost Dog
Beneficii (dezvolta): Imaginatia, Curiozitatea
Tipuri de invatare: Atinge, priveste, asculta
An publicatie: 2019