Includes: How the Elephant got his Trunk, How the Crab got her Claws, How the Rhinoceros got his Skin, How the Whale got his Throat, How the Camel got his Hump and Why the Kangaroo Jumps (age 2+)
Durata de livrare: 24-72h
Six of Rudyard Kipling's famous 'Just So Stories', carefully selected and retold for younger children. Includes: How the Elephant got his Trunk, How the Crab got her Claws, How the Rhinoceros got his Skin, How the Whale got his Throat, How the Camel got his Hump and Why the Kangaroo Jumps.
Key Stage: EYFS
Recomandat: 2 ani+
Varsta: 3-6 ani, 0-3 ani
Nr. pagini: 160
Dimensiune: 214.6 x 174.4mm
Format: hardcover
Ilustrator: Anna Milbourne, Rosie Dickins, Rob Lloyd Jones
Autor: John Joven
Editura: Usborne Publishing
Limba: engleza
Beneficii (dezvolta): Imaginatia, Curiozitatea
Tipuri de invatare: Atinge, priveste, asculta
An publicatie: 2021