Durata de livrare: 24-72h
Lift and Look Trucks de la Usborne este o carte cu clapete extrem de interesanta despre camioane.
Copiii mici vor adora sa deschida clapetele din carte care creeaza o experienta de invatare interactiva in timp ce isi satisfac curiozitatea.
Cartea face parte din seria Lift and Look.
Recomandat: 1 an+
Little hands can lift the big flaps in this robust board book to find out what all the trucks are doing on the road, at the dock and at the building site. There's a shiny red fire engine, a big low loader and a rubbish truck as well as a little cat to spot on every spread, and a few hidden surprises along the way.
Varsta: 3-6 ani, 0-3 ani
Tema: mijloace de transport
Nr. pagini: 12
Dimensiune: 231 x 231mm
Format: cartonat
Ilustrator: Sean Longcroft, Jo Litchfield
Autor: Felicity Brooks
Editura: Usborne Publishing
Limba: engleza
Serie: Lift and Look
Beneficii (dezvolta): Imaginatia, Curiozitatea
Tipuri de invatare: Atinge, priveste, asculta
An publicatie: 2024